On July 24, 2021, members of the Hunt Club Forest community united in song to oppose the unnecessary removal of valuable, long-standing trees, including its plan to ‘put up a parking lot’. The song lyrics of Joni Mitchell’s “Big Yellow Taxi” could not have been more relevant to our issue!
This forest provides relevant ecological, social and environmental benefits to our community. So we sing, united in a vision, that keeps trees standing for future generations. We sing for the wildlife inhabitants to continue having a home. We sing, for cleaner air to breathe. Don’t pave paradise.
A huge thank you to the individuals and families who came out to sing, play and support the forest!
Download(720p: 117MB) Download(1080p: 273MB)
Christophe Elie – Guitar / Vocals – www.chriselie.com
Romani Bays – Guitar / Vocals
Susan McCarthy – Upright Bass / Vocals
Community Members – Percussion, Vocals and Dancing
Lila Elie – Video
Jason Dubue – Video / Production Editing
I fully support the efforts to save this paradise. I played there as a kid and drive around there if I want to lift my spirits.
I was wondering if they have to replant the trees they have taking down as that is appalling to have some people exploit our rich and healthy forest. I was wondering if you have heard anything about this or if Ottawa is rejected the project. We do not need another storage area and parking lot. This does nothing to add value to our communities.
Can you let me know what is happening with that part they cut down as this project should never been approved. We need people to fight for our environment and not shy away.
Thank you kindly